Princess Merida from Disney / Pixar's latest offering -
BRAVE - is not your typical Disney princess.
may be beautiful, but she is not sitting around waiting or in any way dreaming of Prince Charming to
come along. She is far too busy for that. Instead, the firstborn heir of King Fergus (voiced by Billy Connolly) the Scottish kingdom of DunBroch,
would rather practice her archery and defend her homeland than primp herself as a princess and
prepare for the eventuality of her becoming Queen. This is a
refreshing alternative to the usual production line of Disney Princesses.
In fact, Disney Princesses have come under a lot of criticism and scrutiny for beingnothing more than a group of rather lovely but rather helpless ladies just sitting around waiting for
princes in shiny armour. It seems that no matter how lovely, generous, hard working and kind the likes of Tiana, Cinderella and Snow White are, they
can only become complete with the help of a man,
specifically one carrying a sword.
The glorification of
these traditional and some would say, very outdated, role models has spawned an entire 'anti-princess' movement among many mothers who pledge not to allow their
daughters to watch the Disney Princess films.
So, if you would like your sons and daughters to know the story of Merida - you can read the story online - you can do so at this site - where you can flick through a Brave storybook and re-live the movie with your child.